What a ride! Hello everyone! I can’t believe I finally have my website up and running.
Here’s a bit more about me. I’m a massage therapist by day, author by night. When the world went crazy in 2019, my small world was shaken like a saltshaker. I couldn’t work as a massage therapist for a long time, so I finally sat down and wrote the story that had been building in my head for over a decade. Little did I know all the details that went into self-publishing a book.
I was so proud of myself when I finally finished the first draft! I thought, I’ve finally finished! Ha! I think if future me showed up and told me everything that I still had to accomplish, I would have frozen up in fear. But thankfully, I had no clue what was yet to come, and I kept forging ahead. Slowly, I learned all the ins and outs of taking the story from draft to a publishable version. I trudged through the chaotic world of formatting. I crawled through the battlefield of web-design…and I made it through, mostly sane. Lol!
I still have a little way to go before I can publish The Spark, Book One of the Gemma Chronicles, but the finish line is finally within sight. I’ll be keeping y’all updated as the publication date draws closer!